Quantitative Analysis of Interactive Behavior of Mitochondria and Lysosomes Using Structured Illumin
Super-resolution optical microscopy has extended the scope of cell biology from the cellular level to the nanoscale,givi......
Structural and Functional Characterization of EIAV gp45 Fusion Peptide Proximal Region and Glutamine
Lentiviruses employ envelope(Env)glycoproteins to mediate virus and host cell membrane fusion and entry of viral genetic......
Influenzavirusesareamaj orpublichealththreatworldwide,andoptionsforantiviraltherapyarelimitedbythee mergenceo fdrug-resi......
Proper vesicle tethering and membrane fusion at the cell plate are essential for cytokinesis.Both the vesicle tether......
Rice stripe virus (RSV) infects rice and is transmitted in a propagative manner by the small brown planthopper.How RSV e......